Waste: Legambiente heard in the Parliamentary Committee hearing
"In Lazio grow the numbers are increasing lawlessness and widespread environmental crimes related to organized crime, the investigation is very positive that the Commission devoted to this area, should serve to encourage an even stronger reaction from the Lazio Region and in all institutions ". what is said Lorenzo Parlati, president of Legambiente Lazio, speaking this morning at a hearing at the C ommission parliamentary inquiry on irregularities related to the waste cycle. With 3,469 violations this year Lazio scale the sad list of the illegality of the environmental report prepared by Legambiente Ecomafie on data from the police .... follows the events and debates.
"In Lazio grow the numbers are increasing lawlessness and widespread environmental crimes related to organized crime, the investigation is very positive that the Commission devoted to this area, should serve to encourage an even stronger reaction from the Lazio Region and in all institutions ". what is said Lorenzo Parlati, president of Legambiente Lazio, speaking this morning at a hearing at the C ommission parliamentary inquiry on irregularities related to the waste cycle. With 3,469 violations this year Lazio scale the sad list of the illegality of the environmental report prepared by Legambiente Ecomafie on data from the police .... follows the events and debates.
Presentation White Paper on the bluff of the Urban Parking
Roma - 16:30 - Sala Municipal Police (via the Consolation, 4)
Urban Parking Plan of Rome has lost the plot, it is not clear what is the purpose that leads to the creation of parking, is no longer a part of a mobility plan that limits traffic and promote private and public. The absence of careful planning and a comprehensive strategy to address mobility Roman abuse of the declaration of public interest, not least the problems with trees and Roman times to the stability of the buildings, are among the issues focused on Legambiente Lazio and committees that have joined forces in a broader co-ordination, to say No this PUP. A plan that provides for the creation of 45,000 new parking spaces underground in 389 different locations, for total investments of 1.5 trillion. In detail are 341 projects related to private investment on public and 48 private investment on those for a private area. The meeting will be an opportunity to present a White Paper analyzing the current situation and present proposals, opening a great debate between citizens and institutions. Are expected to attend the meeting of Sergio Marchi, Councillor for Mobility and Transport of the Municipality of Rome. Were invited to participate in the Presidents of Municipalities.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Meeting of the Committee against the PUP Viale Leonardo da Vinci open to the public
19.00, at the Association of Bowling Viale Leonardo da Vinci 80.
- Extent of the work and danger that will resume in summer when people are absent;
- No substantive response by the public administration;
- Initiatives and actions (legal, etc.) of the Committee.
Legambiente gave his adherence to the Coordination of Committees against the PUP in Rome and the Committee against the Viale Leonardo da Vinci is one of those covered by the White Paper Legambiente. The citizens of
Viale Leonardo da Vinci have formed the Committee to defend work that can result in damage to the stability of the buildings (already precarious for the geological features of the area), which provides for the demolition of tall trees : elm, ash, distorts the public roadway and causes discomfort to the influx of pupils to schools. Underground parking for the benefit of whom?