Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Long Does Profectiv Growth Renew Take To Work

buffaloes on the alleged" schools of Opus Dei "

I came across a really amazing blog, which talks about the schools where I work ( Faes Milan). The blog is this:

There are several inaccuracies and statements that are visibly different even forced, often too easy or obvious generalization prevention.

Since you can not make comments to the Post, I decided to respond on my blog.

  • First it is striking that the blog is called "inside" of the opus, when in fact it would be more consistent name it "out of" Opus Dei, since those who manage it came out, and also point of view is that of a critical assessment of those who do not recognize the spirit of the institution.
  • There is no indication what the substance of the alleged secret relationship between schools and Faes Opus Dei.
    I can testify that in 7 years of teaching I have never seen a single picture hanging on the wall of Josemaria Escriva, no one has ever celebrated anything about the occurrences of any religious institution (which is a rather common practice in Catholic schools). Adjustment. a painting of St. Josemaria in fact there in the chapel of the school!
  • In blog we read that the schools Faes "are frequented only by male or female, without moments of promiscuity."
    Well, it may be useful to know that a number of years in high school are promoted various activities in which students collaborate in promiscuity (Milan Wiener Walz, Cultural Magazine, a series of film criticism). But you have to be a bit 'or updated "dentroilfaes" to know ...
    There is no prohibition of promiscuity for these activities.
    addition, at least three years (and has never been banned before) are organized by parents in high schools, cultural outings during school hours involving two established classes of male and female.
    One of the most popular, repeated several times, is an excursion to the caves of Catullo, Sirmione. Often
    university guidance is carried out jointly.
    to me as a professor of physics, it happened to carry a workshop for the fifth above at the Museum of Science and Technology, together with the female equivalent class. With the approval of deans, directors and so on.
    Many things are difficult to achieve simply because of the many initiatives put strict limits on the number of students per activity.
    And 'certainly easier to make the classes mixed :-).
  • In fact, until recently, the motivation has gone out of fashion, the blog attributed to some parents at the school, that ".. would not be a priority for the socialization school (because you can do it elsewhere) but the teaching (the role of the school) "
    While I apply the same reasoning in principle, but in recent times is no longer considered a priority (the motivation, not the choice homogeneity). Let's say that if it were only that, you could also do without it.
  • The reason is that teachers are well placed in a position to teach the best (and then separating males from females) "is not included among the reasons Faes.
    Given that I do not think that would be an injustice in principle put teachers in a position to work calmly :-) too large and that many choices in schools are made to this reasoning,
    with which one seeks in Faes, as in all public schools, the pupil is primarily good in the long term, and with it his education, seeking to also help parents to look at this (which is not easy now :-))
  • those who work with young people today knows that the appearance of "distractions" (ie, the trivialization of sexuality, I think you mean), as well as should not be exploited nor demonized, should not be either minimized or ridiculed.
  • is not correct to say that schools Faes "that teach children the principles of the differences Gender .
    is not correct to infer that even the choice of the homogeneity.
    First of all, the choice of the homogeneity stems from other educational priorities.
    Also, if it was to raise the issue of gender is a vital issue for the future of society, the orientation of Faes, consistent with the families that support it, is certainly to counter the pressures now coming through media, which consist of inculcating in children and adolescents the principle that sexual identity can be chosen without being in correlation with their biological sex and, with it, with the realization of their parenting. And this speech one can not simplify too much.
  • In a homogeneous class takes place far from the separation "so clearly between the worlds of logical and rational (rational intelligence) from the affective-relational (emotional intelligence)." , as claimed by a mom.
    Really, for a neutral look, often wonder how it is the opposite, ie classes Faes, where I teach and live, on average, we experience an excellent development of emotional intelligence along with the normal development of the rational one.
    It does not say "a mother" individual (and anonymous). He says my daily experience as a teacher, say the numerous ex-pupils (not all failed, there are many normal and manufactured both in terms of the affects that of the profession). Many experts say it also impartial and not even hardcore fans of the homogeneity.
  • respect to the homogeneity, may perhaps be interesting as this: in recent years, there were already two international conferences, in university-level education uniform. There is currently a researcher at the faculty of pedagogy of Milan's Catholic about it, and not driven by an ordinary side with total consistency.
    In this research, without any form of self-referentiality or claim of superiority, it investigates homogeneous system of values, look for other unsuspecting families of almost all European countries and Anglo-Saxon.
    Sure you can say that the universities are controlled by Opus Dei, and at this point we question all authority.
    including the Internet, and bloggers :-).
  • I can not understand the scandal that a specialist in prestige ( Salomon) gives a testimonial to the educational project Faes even when it appears in her private life she married civilly (and therefore, I infer, not totally adhere to the teachings of Catholic Church).
    Of course, this would be a paradox in a Catholic school. But the shows
    Faes as a "secular state". It seems to me that this even to you "Inside" seems clear.
    Or is there something wrong from the point of view lay in civil marriage?
    Or maybe there is some indelible guilt in having had a child outside of marriage?
    Or is there something wrong with making a testimonial, and maybe even take money for it?
    escapes me who are the hypocrites in this whole issue ...
  • ah, finally, here is something truly unacceptable
    "a mother convinced her son to do the Faes with the excuse that there was a football field."
    still escapes me what is wrong: it is wrong to put the football field at school? E 'wrong to play football during recess? How does this restrict the freedom of a boy?
    How does plagiarism, how it deviates from its full maturity?
  • Ah yes, here is the real vulnus "says a now forty year old, referring to his childhood: " I had no intention of leaving my friends in elementary. " What injustice! What a pain! I hope it will comfort the fact that many other people have had to abandon their comrades of the elementary step in the media (and not talking about the companions of the media!). But few of them have experienced trauma, and almost no one complains that the age of maturity.
    Among other things, who has seen safeguard its inalienable right "not to give up" the companions of the primary, very rarely has maintained long friendships with them for life.
    You see, today they are discussing whether or not we can make decisions about end of life of a close relative ... in education that everyone knows is the sole responsibility of the parents decided to organize time and attendance of their younger children (think of those who moved for work, those who bear children out of town all weekend, ...)
    not appear to have ever died for this (indeed, Laura Pausini has also made a song successful :-)).
  • We now come to the discretion of priests chaplains the school.
    In the blog, a former pupil says: "I was going that if more than 3 weeks did not go to confession the priest present at the Opera school, the tutor was to call me and told me," said Don R. which is a little 'that sees you, perhaps you'd better pass from him "and the invitation was clear. "
    Well, am a teacher for 7 years to Faes and never - never say - a chaplain told me to send a pupil, nor told me that if a student confesses or not.
    I see many guys go talk to the priest, of all ages, and many others do not, in full freedom.
    Personally, I happen to speak in class confession and beauty to cultivate a relationship with a priest. I did it in general as once per class, in the few minutes that separate the other a lesson, and I believe I have done my duty as an educator in a practice not to pretend indifference to the sacrament of confession, it follows from the I understand it has improved the lives of many people helping them out of guilt, rather than get him.

    Who can confirm that this priest has said the Tutor that the student does not confess? It could have been a ruse, though unhappy, the same tutor?
    Even were the case, how do you argue that this is the usual practice or that practice to be encouraged Faes in?

    We are confident that the confession itself is not the problem for critics?
    Probably yes, given that the article be shocked that a teacher encourages a student in good faith " to meet the priest and even to have recourse to sacramental confession "
    Since the world began advising is not a good thing never been a crime.
    Because nobody tore his clothes if a teacher derides the practice of confession by one or more students, or remain indifferent to the disintegration they face many pre-teens?
  • And finally, money. He writes in the blog:
    "Schools Faes, as an equal, receive public funding, meaning that the money of the citizens are used to support families who can afford school fees for children aged 3 to 6 000 euro a year "
    But who said that all families can afford Faes 6000 € per year?
    Many families, who can not afford this amount, they can access through the regional contributions to Faes.
    But why not use the same standards with the state school?
    There is a limit of income to attend public school?
    Of the families who use the public school, no one can afford its € 6 000 per year? Because no one is offended by this?
    the bottom for these families of public money will be spent much more than six thousand a year, because of the inefficiencies of the state bureaucracy.
    Sure, you say that the government employ, operate the public service. But
    service is for citizens, not the service itself!
    Besides the playing field, in addition to providing a service, do not give even work?
    Or maybe it would be wrong in principle to employ "non-state"?
  • One thing in fact I did not know: that existed even a gift for those who make the school even state.
    Let me understand: who does the state school, in addition to not pay the fees (right), also receives public money?
    It would be an injustice if this happened only for those with ISEE indicator below the range of poverty?

Again, I do not understand who are the hypocrites in this whole issue ....


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