Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Example Of Church Theme

Newsletter No 30 - October 22, 2010

Published by the release of Legambiente Lazio legambiente.comunica @
Viale Regina Margherita, 157 - 00198 Rome - 06.85358051/77 - Fax 06.85355495

Upcoming events

In today and tomorrow
On Aniene Farfa with "Operation Rivers "
Initiatives program on Aniene Farfa
Lazio came in" Operation Rivers 2010 ", the campaign of Legambiente and the Civil Protection Department dedicated to the prevention of landslides and floods, created with the sponsorship of ' Anci and in collaboration with the scouts and the AGESCI CNGEI, the National Association of Fire on leave and the Civil Protection of Regione Marche and Sicily Region. The roadshow Legambiente and the Civil Protection Department will meet in the streets the children and young people of elementary and middle schools to explain, through an exhibition and a play path-organized learning with games and other activities, what to do to reduce the risk of landslides and floods and how to act properly to save themselves in case of emergency.
But "Operation Rivers 2010" is also the monitoring of activities from more than 5,000 municipalities have put in a landslide risk area for the safety of its citizens and territory against landslides and floods. The results are summarized in the report Ecosystem Risk " , which indicates that in Lazio 88% of Commons homes in its territory in landslide risk areas or flood, 30% will have even built entire neighborhoods and 15% sensitive structures you have built, while over 39% has industrial buildings in these areas.
You can see the entire report at:

The program of the stage in the Lazio

today near the Railway Bridge "Ugo Bakery" on the bike path that runs along the Aniene tract on the side of Via Salaria, "Operation rivers has created a great day to be dedicated environmental volunteer to clean a stretch of the River Aniene that education . The crew of Operation Rivers, in fact, set up an shows education on landslide risk for schools in Rome. were also presented the data Ecosystem Risk 2010, " the investigation of Legambiente and Protection Department Civil activities of communities around the Lazio aimed at flood prevention and safety of the population. Tomorrow Saturday, October 23, from 8:30 to 13, "Operation rivers" moves to Montopoli di Sabina (Rieti) in Town Hall Square, with a shows education on landslide risk and a panel discussion entitled: " A pact for the river Farfa .
More information at: / operazionefiumi.html

End October 2010
Salvalarte, the redemption of the "small" Cultural Heritage
Salvalarte is "Veteran" of the initiatives in the field of Legambiente Cultural heritage and aims to report emergencies monuments at risk degradation or dropouts o promote an awareness campaign to activate the mechanisms for their recovery. The message that will be launched this year is to emphasize that our archaeological, historical and cultural always in need of care and that the cuts will weigh the financial maneuver in an increasingly radical on good maintenance and management of cultural heritage. Find
appointments to link / salvalarte.html

What have we done

October 18, 2010
The chief towns of Lazio suffer from motion sickness environment
XVII edition of the Urban Ecosystem report
Sonora rejection on the front environmental capitals of Rome and Lazio, all at the bottom of national rankings of the seventeenth edition of "Urban Ecosystem", the report on the health of Italian municipalities made by Legambiente and Environmental Research Institute of Italy with the collaboration of editorial Il Sole 24 Ore. The Capital rushes of thirteen positions, from 62 ° to 75 ° place, worse ago Rieti down from 32 th to 78 th place (-46 positions), Viterbo from 94 square 84th place (climbing 10 positions), Frosinone to 94 ° from 100 ° (making up 6 places) Latin America and 100 th place finish at the 91 ° (-9 positions). The capital suffers chronic the mobility of a reckless, slow in strengthening the collection of waste and the absence of concrete action for renewable energy , but data on 125 environmental parameters, mainly referring to the year 2009, collected through questionnaires and interviews to 103 municipalities and on the basis of other statistical sources tell of a region that still has to make such mobility on the road and pollution, waste and recycling, purification and line losses, energy consumption and renewable sources, the sign of the need for greater involvement of institutions in terms of environmental policies. Lazio of Rome and the capitals are suffering from bad environment, overwhelmed by traffic and garbage, unable to upgrade and innovate hooking the big European cities to make better quality of life of citizens, thus exiting the environmental and economic crisis.
Dossier complete the link

October 14, 2010
pedestrianize the whole area around the Colosseum
order not to frustrate the restoration
The third tier of the Colosseum is open to the public is a wonder that is returned to the world, walking with the view views of the city back to the splendor of ancient Rome, now we must work to create a large pedestrian archaeological area in Piazza Venezia, down Via dei Fori Imperiali and up to the Circus Maximus, is a dream at hand is to be achieved soon . Work facts are of exceptional value and are an important first step towards the complete restoration of the monument related to the contract that provides Work on the north and south facades, replacement of the closing of the tubes of the first order in addition to the restoration of all the ambulatory and consolidation of the underground, which will be immediately accompanied by the installation of lighting and services. The biggest game to play but the arrangement of the outside, the Colosseum and the Imperial Roman Forum and the Circus Maximus as necessary to remove the role of a traffic island and return everything to its pristine glory, so as not to frustrate the action that will .

October 13, 2010
to Stop Invasion of the coaches
Al Colosseo one every 30 seconds and a two-Colle Oppio park more than 15 minutes
French, German, English, Japanese and Brazilians, but also Campanian and Roman. There are many origins of the tour buses that use the rest areas in short and long stay parking. A Legambiente was enough to monitor the Colle Oppio stall for an hour, from 9 to 10 Tuesday, October 12, to discover that well over 18 coaches arriving, just under half (eight to be precise, 44%) did not are not broken down after 15 minutes provided, ruin the area above the Colosseum and hampering traffic. But there's more: Via dei Fori Imperiali, in the half hour from 10 am to 10.30, are incredibly passed 64 / 2 tour, of which 55 buses (Only 5 of the tourist service Atac 110) and 9 minibus, in short Flavian Amphitheatre in front passes a coach every 30 seconds with a deadly impact of smog.

the circles

Sundays in October 2010
The trips Ecoidea through gorges and beech
continuing excursions sponsored by the Circle Ecoidea "Lidia Serenari: Sunday 24 October trip to Beech St. Francis of Cepparo Rivodutri (Rieti). Legend has it that St. Francis during a violent storm, took shelter in this beech tree bent its branches to protect it and so remained. Following the 2 km walk up to a shelter with BBQ.
For more information:

Friday, October 29, 2010
we shop right
Friday, October 29, 2010, 9 am 12.30, during the weekly market in the town of Monte San Biagio (Littoria Avenue), the Legambiente "Serra Andreson" will present information with a banquet at the seventh edition of "I make the right spending" , national awareness week dedicated to products Trade Fair Fairtrade Italy designed by the consortium.
More information at:


Monitoring Environment and Legality
send your reports and your complaints to the toll-free number 800-911856 Centre Environment and Legality, established by the Regional Environment, designed by Legambiente Lazio, to collect, collate, process and provide data on environmental crimes for more effective and efficient programming and implementation of environmental policies in the region. You can call Monday through Friday, from 10 to 18. However, it is always on a telephone answering service.
Reports may also be sent to the email legambiente.legalita @

Award Lidia Serenari "
Sunday, October 31, 2010 are closed third terms to participate in the contest dedicated to the memory of Lydia Serenari, that rewards work of art inspired by the peace, the environment, solidarity and rights. The awards ceremony will be held Tuesday, November 30, 2010, at 18, at the Library Basaglia Franco (67 Via Federico Borromeo in Rome). More information
link # premioserenari


A Bill Renewable Energy
In view of the mobilization on the climate of 6 and 7 November 2010
Legambiente with the major environmental groups, trade unions and celebrities from the Science and Culture has established a National Committee and drafted a bill to reverse the trend that is taking Italy out of Europe: the government is not doing enough to combat climate change and further the objectives of European reduction of greenhouse gases that are binding on member states to reduce, by 2020, greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, within the same deadline, an increase of 20% more energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources . The non-response of the Italian government hide a different strategy: to entrust the reduction of emissions from oil and diversification climlteranti nuclear adventure, which is a non-renewable source, that has not solved the problems of radioactive waste and safety, which would reduce emissions only a small share of electricity production, and only after completion of the core, well beyond the 2020, the date by which the other European countries have already reduced their emissions by 20% or more. Moreover, the current Italian regulatory framework does not allow Italy to achieve the objectives set by the EU climate package, nor are proposals to transpose the European directive on renewables. With the proposed law of popular initiative, the Committee wants to help bridge the gap and provide an adequate regulatory framework and be able to implement the Directive. On 6 and 7 November in Italy there will be 100 squares for Climate - Feast of clean energies. mobilization is promoted by numerous organizations and coordination, including the broad coalition on the march for the climate, symbolically coincides with the twenty-third anniversary of the Victory referendum against nuclear power, and organized to emphasize the importance of the dissemination of renewable sources, compared nuclear and coal. With hundreds of events throughout Italy, to organize the days of November 6 and 7 an amazing collection of signatures in support of the bill popular initiative "Development of energy energy efficiency and renewables to climate protection, " promoted by a committee made up of many organizations ( ). Signatures (one hundred), we started collecting in late June, will be delivered in Parliament before Christmas. You can sign in all the clubs and the regional branch of Legambiente. More information

Stop benzo (a) pyrene in the stands above
'air of our cities together fine particles and ozone, but is less well known and very dangerous to human health. And benzo (a) pyrene, a carcinogen by the International micropollutants for cancer research, rose to national headlines in recent years, along with dioxins, the pollution that characterizes the city of Taranto, caused by 'industrial area and especially by Ilva steel plant. With a subtle process, the Italian government in summer (August 13, 2010) approved ildecreto law 155/2010 which has severely worsened the law on benzo (a) pyrene, postponed from January 1, 1999 December 31, 2012 the time limit for get reduction of this pollutant in the ambient air below the threshold of 1 nanogram per cubic meter planned for cities with more than 150 thousand inhabitants. An amendment extending very harmful exposure of millions of citizens in a dangerous carcinogen, whose pollution, according to figures released by various regional agencies for the protection of the environment, not just industrial cities like Taranto, Trieste or Venice, but Padova as well capitals or metropolitan areas such as Milan and Turin, where he is also relevant to the contribution of traffic. For this Legambiente launches national petition to be signed on its citizens to ask the Government to amend the law on benzo (a) pyrene in favor of a more control and greater protection for the quality of air in our cities.
You can sign the petition at the link

Against the noise of the airport of Fiumicino
The Committee Off Piste has launched a petition addressed to the Italian and European authorities to protect public health from pollution produced from the "Leonardo da Vinci Airport in Fiumicino: anyone can sign and collect signatures on the petition, while the individual module is designed to those directly affected by airport noise product. On the site are the collection points where you can return (or take) modules. Other information in writing
Download the petition: / documentivari / petizione_popolare.pdf
Download the individual module: / documentivari / Esposto_Rumore.pdf

Stop plastic bags
The plastic bags that are used in shops and supermarkets are a serious problem of environmental pollution spread throughout the world. Every year, because of the missing bags environment, thousands of dying fish, whales, dolphins and other animals. Legambiente launches a petition to say "Stop to plastic bags" out of respect for the living species on the landscape and the beauty of Italy to the environment and the planet. The petition is addressed also to the business that they may find new solutions and calls on the Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea undertake not to extend further ban on the marketing of non-biodegradable bags do not meet the criteria laid down by Community legislation, beyond December 31, 2010.
You can link to sign

Support Legambiente

Sign up and you sign your friends
Legambiente To join you can go to the nearest club near you (see the complete list on / circoli.html ) or you can come to the regional office during office hours or make a deposit the postal n.19856004 with reference: "Joining Legambiente.
details on membership fees for 2011 / iscriviti.html

Your help is not only valuable, but it is essential!
Join activities Legambiente Lazio!
Come and visit our site and become a volunteer!

Legambiente Lazio
Viale Regina Margherita, 157 - 00198 Rome
06.85358051/77 - Fax 06.85355495
YouTube: / user / legambientelazio


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