Sunday, February 27, 2011

Difference Between Ultra Flip And Mino

Semi working all'Eutorto

Eutorto - foto Arianna Catania an article published by "The new ecology" in January 2011

were fired by former Agile Eutelia of Rome. But waiting to know the fate of the company, engineers and computer scientists are devoted to agriculture "clean"
not only cultivate land, but also social relations and dreams of a future of work and welfare. They call themselves "Agile former employees disappeared It Eutelia of Rome" and are happy to
welcome anyone who wants to meet them in their garden via Ardeatina 524, at the institute Agricultural Garibaldi. They're going hard times, have lost their jobs and struggle not to disappear. But they seem excited about the project, which is already showing results. "This is our first season vegetables grown in a natural way, we are very proud," says Gloria Salvatori, neocontadina dell'Eutorto, showing files of Brussels sprouts, fennel salad and growing. "The layoffs mean isolation and exclusion from society, but we want to strive for an Italy of labor and human rights," says Sergio Palermo, another neo-farmer. The name "Eutorto" is significant: the prefix "EUT", as well as to draw goodness for assonance with the greek, notes the centrality of the issue Eutelia, whose developments are crucial to the lives of twenty-two participants.

Echoes also wrong, that suffered from personal ex Olivetti, a former Getronics, a former Bull, the first time in Eutelia It, then in 2009 sold to Agile, companies appeared ad hoc to disguise a mass layoff, which became effective in October 2009 . Employees have given battle, and after 154 days of employment and 51 of the permanent garrison of Deputies arrived at the complaint to the bankruptcy court, which led to eight arrests, and the opening of a table of crisis with the appointment of a committee by the extraordinary Ministry of Economic Development. "Thanks to the garrison have known many people who made us feel part of a community with problems different from ours - says Sergio Palermo - So we met the urban gardens Garbatella and we thought a similar activity." The idea has been developed, but unlike the vegetable gardens of Garbatella it was decided not to proceed with a job but with the regular production of a project to the Province of Rome, who found space and funds disbursed.
The activities began last September with the enclosure of land, 3,000 sqm, and the partial cultivation. The garden products are fully the collective, while the olive grove on the sidelines is sharecropping. It is then planned the restoration and use of an existing building with the breeding of farm animals to be shared with the agricultural college. "The school uses the land for many educational activities, and has an olive oil mill, vineyards, cows that produce a thousand liters of milk per day the better - continues Palermo - We helped in the harvest, the olive harvest, we are following with interest all the lessons' open and we like the exchange of expertise we have with students and professors. For now we are learning the craft, we are largely computer technicians. We still have to figure out how to organize and specialize in such areas. " The desire to be productive, however, not to surrender, can become, therefore, new jobs.
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